HBS MarCom club organizes various activities to enhance members' skills and knowledge in marketing. Conducting sessions on marketing strategies, digital marketing tools, market research methodologies, etc., to educate and train members. Hosting competitions where members work in teams to solve marketing challenges, applying their knowledge and creativity. Inviting industry professionals to share their experiences, insights, and trends in the marketing field.
Organizing Marketing Conclave for members to connect with professionals, alumni, and other students interested in marketing, fostering valuable connections. Planning and executing real-life marketing campaigns or projects, providing hands-on experience and practical application of marketing concepts. Hosting sessions or workshops focused on specific marketing skills like social media marketing, content creation, etc.
Arranging visits to markets, marketing agencies, companies, or organizations to provide a practical understanding of how marketing functions in various industries. Overall, MarCom club activities aim to supplement academic learning with practical experiences, networking opportunities, and skill development for aspiring marketers.
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