HBS International Journal of Management Review was started in the year 2014 and is published twice a year, in March and September. The journal invites articles with a focus on different Management issues pertinent to the Indian Economy and corporate sector.
The journal is targeted at academicians, research scholars, industry managers and practitioners as a prime audience. The articles and papers published would thus aim to meet the needs of this primary segment. Articles with an excessively quantitative focus are less desirable, although papers embellished with mathematical modeling, or backed up with econometrics based research are welcome. In the event of a paper being found otherwise suitable in terms of its focus area, it will be up to the Editor to decide whether to accept an article with substantial mathematical content.
The articles in a given issue would be a combination of both solicited and unsolicited works. Solicited articles and unsolicited works of general interest would be examined by the editors for expositional clarity. All the research-based articles would be subject to a blind review process as determined by the editorial team. Articles submitted for publication, which are deemed to be unfit in the opinion of the editors, will not be returned. Authors are required to ensure that articles submitted to the journal are not previously published in any journal or conference, and not in the process of review elsewhere.
The journal invites reputed academicians, industry leaders and practitioners to be on the Editorial Board and Panel of Reviewers and extend support to the publication.
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