A Venture Launching expert with skills in Industry Research, Business Promotion, Technology Analysis and Entrepreneurship Development. He possesses excellent business consulting skills to train, coach and advise senior management teams with winning strategies to realize their visions. He has formulated and executed several multibillion INR investment projects in the areas of Information Technology, Electronics, Food, Plastics and Printing and possess. He is accredited as a Trainer, Mentor and Educator by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad and National Entrepreneurs Network, Mumbai for coaching and mentoring start-up businesses and owner-managers. He has more than 3 decades of experience in the industry and about 6 years of experience in academics. He has published business research reports on Medical Electronics, Embedded Systems, Animation & Multimedia and Semiconductor industries. He is an SAP ERP FI-CO Consultant and was part of the KPMG team implementing SAP ERP at ICICI Bank, Mumbai. He has implemented quality management systems for educational institutions and is currently the Head of Research & Consultancy at HBS. He teaches finance and business research at HBS.
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